S.I. 92 of 2023 - Physical Planning (Fees) Regulations 2023
RegulationS.I. 92 of 2023 - Physical Planning (Fees) Regulations 2023
Posted At: sept. 10, 2024 - 695 Views
1. These Regulations may be cited as the Physical Planning (Fees) Regulations, 2023.
Payment of fees
2. There shall be paid in respect of each application made to the Authority for planning permission under the Act a fee calculated in accordance with the Schedule to these regulations.
3. The above fees are applicable for all applicants except for a ministry, department, or division of government or a public body that operates under an appropriation act.
Repeal of S.I 35/1975
4. The Town and Country Planning (Applications for Permission) (Fees) Regulations, 1975 is hereby repealed.
1 Residential Accommodation Fees (SR) (a) Dwelling house not exceeding 125 square metres SR500.00 (b) Dwelling unit in terraced, flatted or any other multiple form not exceeding 125 square metres SR500.00 (c) Dwelling house or unit referred to in subparagraphs (a) and (b) exceeding 125 square metres but not exceeding 150 square metres SR600.00 (d) Dwelling house or unit referred to in subparagraphs (a) and (b) exceeding 150 square metres but not exceeding 200 square metres SR1200.00 (e) Dwelling house or unit referred to in subparagraphs (a) and (b) exceeding 200 square metres SR2000.00 (f) Exceeding 300 square metres and above SR3000 2 Tourism Accommodation (a) Not exceeding 20 beds SR500.00 Per Bed (b) Exceeding 20 beds but not exceeding 60 beds SR800.00 Per Bed (c) Exceeding 60 beds but not exceeding 200 beds SR1200.00 Per Bed (d) Exceeding 200 beds but not exceeding 300 beds SR1500.00 Per Bed (e) Exceeding 300 beds SR1800.00 Per Bed (f) Staff accommodation other hotel amenities SR50.00 per square meters 3 Commercial/ Industrial Development (a) Offices, shops, factories, warehouses, wholesale centres, commercial storage, workshop, showroom, car wash, garages, mechanical workshops, commercial kiosks, customer service centres, water bottling, sale yards, hatchery, abattoirs, animal enclosures, green houses, farm houses, tanks, Fish processing, aquaculture, water plants, pump houses, power plant, electrical substations. SR50.00 per square meters (b) Restaurants, pubs, cafes, take-aways, bakery, butchery, bars, money changers, banks, pharmacies, health stations, clinics, hospitals, health consulting rooms, vetenary hospitals, markets, funeral homes and parlours, dry cleaners, internet access facilities, post boxes, ATMs, hairdressers, barber shops, nail salons, spas, massage parlours, garden centeres, florist, vehicle hire offices and vehicle sales offices, theatres, museums, exhibition centers, fuel depots, service stations, fuel stations, car parks, exhibition centers, media establishments/houses SR100.00 per square meters (c) Cinemas, casinos, betting halls, amusement centres, dance halls/discotheques and similar developments SR200 per square meter Home businesses/cottage businesses SR 500.00 fixed (d) Churches/Religious assembly halls, prayer rooms, corrective institutions, educational establishments, research stations, libraries, public administration buildings, community facilities, daycare centers, police stations, emergency service facilities, nursing homes, retirement centres, bus depots, bus shelter, agricultural developments SR100.00 per square meters 4 Airstrips/helipads and marinas & ports including jetties & pontoons/boat ramps/slipways/wharf/floating pontoons, dry docks SR10000.00 5 Amenity roads and other forms of access including drives and bridges SR50.00 per square meters 6 Private residential roads SR25.00 per linear metre 7 Other roads (community) EXEMPT 8 Community building/ self help projects SR500.00 9 Quarries and other mineral working SR20000.00 10 Reclamation (a) Not exceeding 250 square metres SR10.00 per square metre (b) Exceeding 250 square metres SR15.00 per square metre (c) Exceeding 500 square metres SR25.00 per square metre 11 Utilities/Excavation works SR100.00 per linear metre Telecom masts & other towers (tree like), ground stations SR5000.00 Commercial satellite dish SR2000.00 Phone booths/kiosks SR1000.00 STPs SR2000.00 Storm water drains EXEMPT 12 Retaining boundary walls SR500.00 Rock armoring, groynes, break water SR15000.00
1 Residential accomodation (all types) SR75.00 2 Tourism accomodation (all types) SR150.00 per bed 3 Commercial and industrial development SR10.00 per square metre 4 Utilities/Excavation (All types) SR500.00 5 Reclamation (all types) SR2.00 per square metre 6 Community and self-help projects SR500.00 7 Subdivision SR50.00 per plot 8 Change of Use (all types) SR300.00 9 Retaining and boundary walls, swimming pool, accesses, bridges, others SR150.00 10 Pre-planning requests SR250.00 11 Request of copies and scanning of planning documents per page A4-SR25, A3-SR50, A2-SR150, A1-SR200, A0-SR500
1 Subdivisions of land (a) Residential, not exceeding 3 plots SR250.00 per plot (b) Residential, exceeding 3 plots SR600.00 per plot (c) Agricultural purposes SR200.00 per plot (d) Commercial, tourism or industrial purposes SR1200 per plot 2 Change of Use (a) To residential As per table A1 as amended (b) To tourism As per table A1 as amended (c) To commercial or industrial As per table A3 as amended (d) Money changer SR1000.00 (e) For any other purpose SR1000.00 (f) Use class variance fee SR500.00 3 Miscellaneous minor developments (a) Retaining wall not exceeding 1.5 metres in height SR500.00 (b) Extension to house or unit reffered to in A.1 (a) to (f) not exceeding 1/6 of the floor area of the existing house or unit and not exceeding 40 square metres SR500.00 (c) Anyother minor developments (carport, laundry etc.) SR500.00 4 Container SR750.00 per container 5 Advertisement application SR1000.00 Others 6 Store (a) Residential SR250.00 (b) Commercial SR1000.00 7 Swimming Pool private SR500.00 Swimming Pool Commercial SR1000.00 8 Re-roofing (a) Residential SR250.00 (b) Commercial SR600.00 9 Temporary Workers accomodation SR25.00 per square metres Permanent workers accomodation SR50.00 per square meteres 10 Restrospective applciation (all categories) 15 times the normal application fees 11 Substitution after approval has been granted (residential, commercial and industrial) Repay 50% of applicable fees 12 Renewals (Only Residential developments (a) Between 3 to 5 years Charge for processing fee only (SR250.00) (b) Above 5 years Submit fresh plans/application normal fee apply 14 Appeals (a) All private residential, including boundary wall/ fencing and retaining wall and storage SR500.00 (b) Small commercial projects below 250 square metres including apartment buildings and tourism projects of less than 30 rooms SR1000.00 (c) Large commercial projects above 250 square metres including apartment buildings and tourism projects and hotels above 30 rooms SR5000.00 (d) Appeal against revocation or modification of permission to develop land SR750.00 (e) Appeal against determination of Authority with respect to a preservation order SR750.00 (f) Appeal against determination of authority on objections and representations made with respect to Land use plans SR750.00 (g) All other planning refusals SR1000.00 15 Structural plans (a) Residential SR1000.00 (b) Commercial/Industral/Tourism SR3000.00 (c) Roads/Accesses SR500.00 (d) Bridges SR500.00 (e) Retaining walls, any other structures SR500.00 (f) Submissions after structural approval has been granted 50% of original fee 16 Miscellaneous Feels for any other categories of development proposals not covered in the schedulle shall be determined on the use and per linear or square metres based on the prescribed fees in the associated classes SR500.00