S.I. 88 of 2023 Physical Planning (Control of Advertisement Structures)
RegulationS.I. 88 of 2023 Physical Planning (Control of Advertisement Structures)
Posted At: Sep 08, 2024 - 449 Views
1. These Regulations may be cited as the Physical Planning (Control of Advertisement Structures) Regulations, 2023.
2. In these regulations —
“advertisement” means any communication published, broadcasted through any medium and in any form by itself or together with any other communication, which is used to create public interest and without prejudice to the foregoing provision includes any hoarding or similar structure used or adapted for use for the display of advertisements, and references to the display of advertisements shall be construed accordingly;
“advertising structures” includes any screen, billboard, poster, painting, fence, wall, flag, balloon, signs, placard, board or other physical structure or object erected to display an advertisement or which is in itself an advertisement.
Application for use of advertisement
3.(1) Any person intending to erect or display an advertisement structure or to alter or to add to an existing approved advertisement structure shall make an application in writing to the Authority and the application shall be in duplicate —
(a) a site plan —
(i) showing the site on which it is proposed that the advertisement structure is to be erected or displayed, drawn to a scale of not less than 1:200 showing clearly and accurately the position of the advertisement structure and the building, if any, to which it is to be attached;
(ii) showing every building and the existing advertisement structure on the site, proposed landscaping, traffic advertisement structure and road traffic advertisement structure s, and the positions, with dimensions, of the advertisement structure or advertisement structure in relation to the boundaries of the site and the location of the streets abutting the site, together with its existing approved zoning conditions; and
(b) a drawing of the advertisement structure containing all relevant construction detail, including a description of the materials of which the advertisement structure is to be constructed, the colors to be used, and whether or not the advertisement structure is to be illuminated; and in the latter event, the plan shall indicate whether or not the advertisement structure is an electronic advertisement structure and, if so, full details shall be furnished.
(2) The drawing referred to in subregulation 1(b) shall be drawn to a scale of not less than 1:20.
3) If the proposed advertisement structure is to be altered or changed at any stage during its proposed period of display, such intention must be specified in the application, together with an undertaking that every proposed change of advertisement structure will be delivered to the Authority for its prior approval, two weeks prior to the proposed display thereof.
(4) If an advertisement structure is to be attached to or displayed on the wall or façade of a building, the Authority may require the submission of an additional drawing showing an elevation of the building in color, the details and position of the proposed advertisement structure and the details and the position of every existing advertisement structure on the building drawn to a scale of not less than 1:100, or the Authority may require a colored print of or an artist's photographic or computer generated impression of the building with the details of the proposed advertisement structure superimposed and drawn as nearly as is practicable.
(5) If the applicant is not the registered owner of the property on which the advertisement structure will be erected, the applicant shall obtain the authorisation of the registered owner of the land or building on which the advertisement structure is to be erected, indicating the owner's knowledge of and consent to the application.
(6) Upon the request of Authority; such additional drawings, calculations and other information as is necessary to enable the Authority to establish the adequacy of the proposed means of securing, fixing or supporting any proposed advertisement structure and its ability to resist all loads and forces to which the advertisement structure, advertising or billboard may be exposed and the sufficiency of the margin of safety against failure.
(7) Where in the opinion of the Authority the placement of an advertising structure may pose adverse impact on the environment, traffic or a heritage site the Authority may require the submission of —
(a) an environmental impact assessment;
(b) a heritage impact assessment; or
(c) a traffic impact assessment.
(8) The Authority shall notify the applicant of any additional information that it may require in order to process the application within 21 working days of the date of submission of the original application.
(9) The application made under subregulation 2(1) shall be accompanied by a processing fee of SCR1000.
Public consultation
4. If in the Authority's opinion, a community or portion thereof or a person may be affected by the proposed advertisement structure, it may require a public participation process prior to considering the approval, which public participation process shall comply with the Authority's policy on public participation.
Advertisement master plan
5. The Authority shall require an advertisement master plan in respect of any development where the erection of numerous advertisement structures is proposed or the rationalization of previously approved advertisement structures is required so as to allow it to consider a consistent advertisement structure master plan prior to assessment of any individual advertisement structure.
Notification of erection or modification
6.(1) Upon approving an application under regulation 2 the applicant shall notify the Authority in writing within 2 weeks after the approved advertisement structure has been erected or modified as approved.
(2) A person who fails to notify the Authority under subregulation (1) commits an offence and shall be liable to a fine pursuant to section 75 of the Act.
Consideration of application
7. In considering an application for the erection of an advertisement structure or the display of an advertisement structure in terms of this regulation, the Authority shall have regard to the type, classification, description or specification of the advertisement structure as specified under the schedule subject to the following guiding factors —
(a) the type of locality or landscape and the advertising opportunities pertaining to that area;
(b) the number of advertisement structures already displayed or proposed to be displayed on the site and in the area surrounding the site concerned;
(c) where for an application under regulation (2), the Authority is of the opinion that the recommendation and views of an Agency, Authority, Department or Division is required in order for the Authority to determine the application or that any impact assessment be required, the Authority may request recommendations and views of such entities or require the applicant to conduct such Traffic Impact Assessment, Environmental or Heritage Impact Assessment as may be applicable; and
(d) the outcome of any process of public participation regarding the proposed advertisement structure.
Advertisement in residential areas
8. Locality bound advertisement structures placed in a residential area must relate to the lawful use of a property, provided that no such advertisement structures shall be affixed to or placed on residential premises or portions thereof other than what is necessary for home industries and other legal or temporary uses.
Approval of application
9.(1) When approving an application under regulation 2, the Authority may approve an application subjects to such conditions as the Authority may consider appropriate and not withstanding such the authority may —
(a) at any time, withdraw an approval granted in terms of this regulation or amend any condition or impose a further condition in respect of such approval, if an advertising structure —
(i) is in a state of disrepair;
(ii) stands empty for more than 90 consecutive days; or
(iii) no longer complies with any provision of these regulation or is substantially altered from the original approved application by way of either structure;
(b) were an approved advertisement is not to be erected within 12 months from the date of approval or within such other time as is specified in the approval, such approval shall lapse, unless that period is extended in writing by the Authority prior to such lapse;
(c) the structure supporting such sign is intentionally demolished before the expiry of the approval period, the approval shall lapse and no further sign or supporting structure may be erected or re-erected without the Authority's prior approval in terms of this regulation.
(d) all decisions by the Authority regarding applications made in terms of this regulation shall be in writing and shall be provided to applicants within 30 calendar days of date of submission of a complete application, alternatively, if so required by the authority, within 30 calendar days of its receipt of any additional information or assessments provided to the Authority.
Responsibility for the Upkeeping of Advertising Structures
10.(1) The owner of the advertisement structure, the media owner, the applicant to whom approval has been granted, and the owner of the property or building to which it is attached shall be jointly and severally liable for the maintenance thereof and shall undertake at least one inspection per year thereof with a view to satisfying themselves as to the safety thereof.
(2) Where any advertisement structure becomes torn or damaged or otherwise falls into a state of disrepair, the owner of the advertisement structure, the media owner, the applicant to whom approval has been granted and the owner of the property or building to whom approval has been granted or to which the advertisement structure is attached shall, within 7 working days of a notice from the Authority directing them to so do, repair the advertisement structure.
(3) The owner of the advertisement structure, the media owner, the applicant to whom approval has been granted or the owner of the property or building who fails to comply with the direction under subregulation (2) commits an offence and shall be liable upon conviction to a fine of level 3 on the standard scale.
Construction Requirements
11. All advertisement structures shall be properly constructed of the requisite strength and materials and shall be secured where the structure overhangs from above a public place with the necessary redundancy and engineering approval.
Support Structures
12. All advertisement structures and their support structures shall be constructed using:
(a) Incombustible, durable materials suited to the function, nature, and permanence of the advertisement structure;
(b) Safety glass other than glass used in illumination at least 3 mm thick;
(c) Glass panels not exceeding 0.9 m² in area, each panel being securely fixed in the body of the advertisement structure, structure, or device independently of all other panels.
Placement of Advertisement Structure
13.(1) No advertisement structure may be placed covering any window or opening provided for ventilation of a building or obstruct any stairway or doorway or other means of exit from the building or prevent movement of people from one part of a roof to another.
(2) No advertising structure shall be closer to overhead electrical equipment than the minimum distance as prescribed from time to time under any law.
(3) Approved wayleaves must be obtained from the public utilities company prior to any excavations for the installation of advertisement structures or for advertisement structures to be erected in the vicinity of overhead power lines.
(4) Advertising on bridges, towers, telecommunication masts, or pylons shall not be permitted.
Illumination Requirements
14.(1) The Authority shall approve an illuminated advertisement structure, provided that the provisions of this regulation are complied with to ensure maximum energy efficiency and controlled hours of illumination and that the illumination does not constitute a road safety hazard or cause undue light spillage.
(2) Electronic advertisement structures may not be illuminated if no advertisement structure content is displayed.
(3) Electronic advertisement structures shall not have flashing images.
Electrical Connection
15.(1) All advertisement structures needing an electrical connection must preferably be supplied from the existing electrical supply on the plot where it is to be erected.
(2) If this is not possible, application for a metered electricity supply must be made to the relevant authority.
Prevention of Interference
16. Every advertisement structure in connection with which electricity is used, shall be provided with suitable capacitors to prevent interference with radio and television reception.
Safe Electrical Conduits
17.(1) Each power cable and conduit containing electrical conductors in respect of an advertisement structure shall be so positioned and fixed so that it is safe, unseen, inaccessible, and child tamper-proof and animal proof.
(2) Each interior high-voltage installation that runs unattended, such as a window display, and each exterior high-voltage installation shall have a fireman’s switch.
Requirement for Internal Illumination or Electronic Advertisement Structures
18.(1) Internally illuminated and electronic advertisement structures containing third-party advertising may only be displayed in areas of partial and minimum control and must be less than 2,1 m².
(2) The size condition under subregulation (1) may be waived, up to a maximum size of 4,5 m² in any such area upon receipt of an Environmental and Heritage Impact Assessment showing no detrimental impact will be caused by the proposed display.
Requirements for External Illumination
19.(1) The light source emanating from floodlights shall not be visible to traffic travelling in either direction.
(2) Floodlights shall not be positioned so as to create any undue light spillage beyond the surface area of the advertisement structure.
Roadside Structures
20.(1) Where an advertisement structure is to be erected by a road, and the Authority is of the view that the advertisement structure may be an unacceptable distraction for drivers, or where drivers turn, negotiate curves or traffic merges, diverges, or weaves, the Authority may send the details of the advertisement structure to the Road Transport Department and seek their recommendation on the application.
(2) Where the Road Transport Department is of the view that the advertisement structure is detrimental to the safe operation of traffic in the vicinity of the advertisement structure, the Authority shall refuse the application.
(3) If the recommendation under subregulation (2) proposes changes, which if undertaken may allow the safe erection of the advertisement structure in that location, the Authority may consider the application subject to the necessary changes as proposed by the Road Transport Department.
(4) When taking a decision under subregulation (2) or (3) the Authority shall take into consideration the following factors —
(a) Electronic advertisement structures shall not be permitted if they are visible from a highway road, gateway route, or scenic drive;
(b) Advertising on bridges, towers, telecommunication masts, or pylons shall not be permitted;
(c) Advertisement structures shall not be located within 10m of the perimeter of an intersection of a road;
(d) The graphic content of advertisement structures shall not have the potential to be visually interpreted as a road traffic advertisement structure, due to any factor, including but not limited to —
(i) Any stylized or pictorial presentation of a road traffic advertisement structure;
(ii) Any word, symbol, logo, or other device used on a road traffic advertisement structure;
(e) Use of combinations of colors specified for road traffic advertisement structures in a manner likely to lead to confusion;
(f) Any reflectorized paint or material;
(g) Advertisement structures may not be erected in an area where the traffic volume, the average following headway, or accident history requires a higher than average degree of awareness from drivers;
(h) Advertisement structures may not be attached to or obscure a road traffic advertisement structure;
(i) Signs may not be erected within the road reserve of any public road unless expressly approved by the road authority;
(j) When located at traffic intersections, advertisement structures may not have the colors red, yellow, or green as main colors and shall not obscure or interfere with any road traffic advertisement structure;
(k) Electronic advertisement structures shall not be permitted within 10 meters of the perimeter of a traffic intersection;
(l) Flashing or running messages or variable transition messages that have a message change interval of greater than 0.3 seconds or have transition effects between message changes shall not be permitted if viewable from a public road;
(m) Static display, simple transition advertisement structures shall display a complete frame for an information cycle length of not less than 60 seconds when visible from a traffic intersection and 30 seconds at other locations.
Third-party Advertisement Structure
21. All third-party advertisement structures larger than 4.5 m² erected adjacent to a public road intended to advertise to persons using main public roads must be spaced a minimum specified distance from any other advertisement structure or road traffic advertisement structure, such distance measured parallel to the center line of the roadway, in accordance with Table 1.
Case | Spacing required when visible to traffic on a road with a speed of: | ||
< 60 km/h | 61-80 km/h | 81-120 km/h | |
Where an advertising advertisement structure follows a road advertisement structure | 380m | 425m | 475m |
Where an advertising advertisement structure follows another advertising advertisement structure | 310m | 360m | 410m |
Where an advertising advertisement structure precedes a road advertisement structure | 40m | 70m | 100m |
Exempted structures
22. (1) Subject to compliance with the conditions set out hereunder, the Authority's approval is not required for the following advertisement structures:
(a) To Let or For Sale advertisement structures:
These include any advertisement structure not exceeding 400 mm x 500 mm in total area displayed at existing premises or at properties upon which a new building is being erected and relating to accommodation being offered to rent or purchase, provided the structure is removed within 60 days of the accommodation becoming available.
(b) On-premises business advertisement structures:
These include any unilluminated advertisement structure, not projecting over a public road and not exceeding 0.2 m², that displays business-related information such as trade, name, or contact details, with a limit of one such structure per occupant.
(c) Window advertisement structures:
Locality-bound advertisement structures painted on or attached to the window of a building used for commercial purposes, not exceeding 4.5 m² in total area.
(d) Advertisement structures incorporated in the face of a building:
Any advertisement structure forming an integral part of a building's fabric, excluding painted structures, provided the total area does not exceed 6 m².
(e) Advertisement structures on sports fields:
Structures erected around the perimeter of a sports field, each not exceeding 2 x 1 m in size, and larger inward-facing structures not visible from public areas.
(f) Security advertisement structures:
Any security-related advertisement structure, not projecting over a public road and not exceeding 0.2 m², indicating a security service in operation, limited to one structure per public-facing side of the property.
(2) Sponsored, commercially sponsored, and non-profit body advertisement structures less than 4.5 m²:
(a) Such advertisement structures may not exceed 4.5 m² in total area, with no more than 5% of the surface used for third-party advertising, and must not be illuminated, with only one such structure permitted per plot.
(b) Structures erected on state land may only be erected once an agreement has been made with the authority, detailing the community or public benefit, and a copy of the agreement lodged with the relevant department.
(3) Advertising flags shall only be displayed on flagpoles, with a maximum of 3 flagpoles per property, each no higher than 3 meters.
23.(1) The Authority may, in regards to any advertisement structure erected or displayed in contravention of these regulations, take action pursuant to Part VI of the Act by serving a notice on the owner or lessee of the advertisement structure, or the land owner on whose land the advertisement structure is erected or displayed, or person whose product or services are advertised, calling upon such person to remove such advertisement structure or carry out such alteration thereto or do such work as may be specified in such request or notice, within a time frame specified therein.
(2) Should the Authority's demands, as set out in the notice, not be carried out within the time period specified therein, the Authority may, without further notice to the person upon whom the notice was served and after obtaining relief from the appropriate court on an ex parte basis, remove or alter the advertisement structure or do such work as may be specified in such notice.
(3) Any costs incurred by the Authority in removing advertisement structures, or in doing alterations or other works required in terms of a notice, shall be recovered from the person on whom the notice was served.
(4) Notwithstanding any other clause in these regulation, if an advertisement structure is, or is reasonably considered to be a danger to life or property, by a duly authorised employee of the Authority, acting in connection with this regulation, the Authority itself may, without prior notice and without a court order; carry out or arrange for the removal of such advertisement structure.
(5) Any costs incurred by the Authority in carrying out or arranging for the removal of such advertisement structure may be recovered from the owner or lessee of the advertisement structure, or the landowner on whose land the advertisement structure was erected, or the person whose product or services were advertised, jointly and severally.
Advertisement structure guidelines and specifications and application requirements
For the purposes of considering an application for approval of an advertising structures the following classification provided in Table A shall be used along with the following descriptions, types, approval and conditions provided in Colum 2, 3, 4 and 5.
- Any advertisement structures not specifically provided for in this schedule shall be considered and assessed by the Authority based on the principles and factors specified under Part A and B of this regulation.
Classification of Advertisements
CLASS | DESCRIPTION | TYPES | Approval | Conditions |
I | Functional advertisements of Government departments and persons or bodies acting under statutory powers | Any of the listed types of advertisement structures | No approval required | Such advertisements shall comply with the regulations issued by the Planning Authority. |
II | Miscellaneous advertisements relating to premises on which they are
b) Advertisements relating to any person, partnership or company separately carrying on a profession, business or trade at the premises where any such advertisement is displayed. Limited to one advertisement, in respect of each such person, partnership or
| Wall advertisement structures | Minor Works (Planning Application) |
Verandah advertisement structures | No approval required | Such advertisements shall comply with the regulations issued by the Planning Authority | ||
Freestanding advertisement structures | No approval required | Such advertisements shall comply with the regulations issued by the Planning Authority and should not obstruct pedestrian or vehicular passage. | ||
Marquee Advertisement structures | No approval required | As this type of advertisement structure may form part of the Building Advertisement structure it may be illustrated in the full planning application of the proposed building. | ||
c) Advertisements relating to any institution of a religious, educational, cultural, recreational or medical or similar character situate on the land on which any such advertisement is displayed. Limited to one advertisement, in respect of each such premises | Projecting advertisement structures | No approval required. | Such advertisements shall comply with the regulations issued by the Planning Authority. | |
III | Advertisements of a temporary nature.
c) Advertisements announcing any local event of a religious, educational, cultural, social or recreational character, and advertisement relating to any temporary matter in connection with an event or local activity of such a character, not in either case being an event or local activity promoted or carried on for commercial purposes; limited to one display of advertisements occupying an area on any premises. | Construction advertisement structures | No approval required. | Such advertisements shall comply with the regulations issued by the Planning Authority and should not obstruct pedestrian or vehicular passage. |
Banner advertisement structures | No approval required. | Such advertisements shall comply with the regulations issued by the Planning Authority and should not obstruct pedestrian or vehicular passage, thus maximum height and minimum distance from the road needs to be respected. | ||
Portable advertisement structures | Approval /consultation required from the department responsible for road transport where necessary. | Such advertisements should comply with the regulations issued by the Authorities responsible and should not obstruct or cause any danger to pedestrians or vehicles. In cases where such advertisement structures are mounted onto a vehicle or displayed on a tailor, permission or approval from the authority responsible for land transport is | ||
Sandwich board advertisement structures | No approval required. | Such advertisements should comply with the regulations issued by the Authorities responsible and should not obstruct or cause any danger to pedestrians or vehicles. Such advertisement structures shall be removed upon the termination of the activity. | ||
Window advertisement structures (posters, stickers, etc….) | No approval required. | Window advertisement structures such as posters should not totally obstruct the visual into or outside a building, thus the maximum coverage area should be maintained. | ||
Billboard advertisement structures | Full planning application required. | Such billboards shall comply with the regulations issued by the Planning Authority and shall be removed upon the termination of the work or event. | ||
Wall advertisement structure • Banner • Billboard • Posters • Portable advertisement structures | No approval required from the Planning Authority. | Such advertisements shall comply with these regulations issued by the Planning Authority and the regulations of the electoral commission and those of the authority responsible for land transport. | ||
IV | Advertisements on business premises. Advertisements displayed on business premises wholly with reference to all or any of the following matters: the business or other activity carried on, the goods sold or services provided, and the name and qualifications of the person carrying on such business or activity or supplying such goods or services, on those premises: Provided that the space which may be occupied by such advertisements on any external face of a building shall not exceed one twelfth of the overall area of that face up and the area occupied by any such advertisement, howsoever affixed to a building, shall be computed as if the said advertisement as a whole were displayed against the face of the building. | Wall advertisement structures a) Painted directly onto wall b) Printed, painted or mounted onto surfaces Other than the wall. | Minor Works (Planning Application) | Application showing the location, size, color and type of advertisement structure should be submitted to the Planning Authority.
Projecting advertisement structures | No approval required | Such advertisements shall comply with the regulations issued by the Planning Authority. | ||
Roof advertisement structures | Minor Works (Planning Application). | Application showing the location, size, color and type of advertisement structure should be submitted to the Planning Authority.
| ||
Electronic advertisement structures | Full planning application required. | Electronic advertisement structures are to be located exclusively within the interiors of the following specific public areas/buildings:
| ||
Digital advertisement structures | Full planning application required. | Digital advertisement structures are to be situated on commercial corridors, industrial business and along specific advertisement structure road ways and locations. | ||
Window advertisement structures | No approval required. | Window advertisement structures such as posters should not totally obstruct the visual into or outside a building, thus the maximum coverage percentage as specified in the regulation should be maintained. |
3. Application for advertisements which require a planning application should contain the following information:
(a) give accurate metric dimensions of the height from natural ground level to the base of the proposed advertisement in meters.
(b) give accurate metric dimensions of each proposed advertisement; if less than one meter in any dimension, please specify size in millimeters.
(c) give metric dimensions of the letters, figures or symbols in each of the proposed advertisement.
(d) give details of colors proposed.
(e) specify the materials of the proposed advertisement structure.
(f) state maximum distance each advertisement projects from the face of the building on which it is proposed to place the advertisement.
(g) where an advertisement is to be illuminated, details of the illumination.
(h) where necessary a site plan showing the proposed location (relative to property lines, existing structures, and pedestrian and or automobile circulation area) may be required.
4. Advertisements which does not require an application
Any advertisement structure inside a building or other enclosed outdoor space, not attached to a window or door, which is not visible from off the site on which it is located; these would include advertisements inside a bus station or sports stadium, shopping mall or airport etc….
Advertisements announcing any political event, local and national elections and gatherings.
Traffic advertisement structures.
Any official or public notice or warning required by a valid and applicable local law, regulation or chapter, by a public utility company or by order of a court of competent jurisdiction.
Temporary advertisement structure age erected as part of a Town-recognized event.
Advertisement structure s erected on behalf of governmental departments and persons or bodies acting under statutory powers.
Advertisement structure s or lettering on buses, taxis or vehicles operating during the normal course of business.
- Advertisements in the form of price tickets or markers, tradenames on branded goods, or displayed on petrol pumps or vending machines etc.…. These advertisements must not be illuminated, nor exceed 0.1 m2.
5. General guidelines for advertisement structure
(based on classification of guidelines based on the above classification)
(1) Advertisement structures shall:
Complement their associated building, being consistent with its architectural style, scale, articulation, proportions,
materials, and color.Be located in areas of the façade specifically advertisement structured to serve this function and should align horizontally, where possible, with major architectural features, such as building entries.
Not cover architectural details or ornamental elements.
Be constructed out of high quality, durable materials such as wood or metal.
Use icons, symbols or logos rather than words whenever possible (e.g., a shoe for a shoe store, or a bicycle wheel for a bicycle shop); iconic or symbolic advertisement structures are encouraged to be three-dimensional.
Have a contrast between content and background so as to optimize legibility while still maintaining compatibility with building colors.Be advertisement structured to high professional standards.
No advertisement structure shall be erected, constructed or maintained so as to obstruct any fire escape, required exit, window or door opening used as a means of egress.
No advertisement structure shall be attached in any form, shape or manner which will interfere with any opening required for ventilation such as windows.
Advertisement structures shall be located in such a way as to maintain horizontal and vertical clearance of all overhead electrical conductors, roads and highways.
(2) Advertisement structure dimensions:
The ultimate size of an advertisement structure can be a critical factor and should be assessed during the planning process. This applies to exterior advertisement structure s in particular, where environmental or aesthetic concerns should be part of the criteria that are considered in determining the size and location of an advertisement structure.
Both the character size and the length of the message determine the overall size of an advertisement structure. It follows that the size of an advertisement structure can be reduced by rephrasing the message or by selecting a different character size. Oversized advertisement structures may cause visual clutter.
6. Appropriate locations of advertisement structure age structures on buildings
Advertisement structures should be located where they will not obscure or detract from architectural features of the building.
For instance, a window or a decorative architectural element.
The pubic view to significant historic structures should be maintained.

7. Guidelines pertaining to dimensions for different types of advertisement structure
A wall advertisement structure can be commercially printed or painted. It's often considered commercial if there are any kind of symbols, trademarks, locations, telephone numbers, or any other business-related markings. Walls advertisement structure made for creative purposes are typically considered murals.
Wall advertisement structure shall:
Be no larger than 3.5m² in advertisement structure area per individual advertisement structure which may be painted, printed or mounted.
Not project more than 400mm, except for Sculptural Advertisement structure, which may project a total of 700mm.
Not exceed one twelfth of the overall area of the any external face of a building and up to a height of 1120mm from ground level.
Wall advertisement structure should:
Be installed in a slender band between the first-story and second-story windows.
Emphasize horizontality, with a width-to-height ratio of at least 2:1.
Should not be mistaken for murals.
Dimension in millimeters

8. Verandah advertisement structure
Advertisement structure on street verandahs used to identify businesses or premises.
Street verandah advertisement structure shall:
Advertisement structures on verandah fascia must be at least 2400mm above the pavement and must not protrude above the verandah roofline. Advertisement structure can be 600mm high (400mm in special character areas).
Advertisement structure below the verandah must be at least 2400mm above the pavement, must be mounted perpendicular to the front of the building, and must be no more than 400mm high.
Should be set back at least 500mm from the verandah fascia and at least 3m apart from the next under verandah advertisement structure.

Dimension in millimeters
9. Window advertisement structure
A window advertisement structure is placed, directed onto, behind, or in the direct vicinity of the window.
Window advertisement structure shall:
Such advertisement structure in combination with other window advertisement structure shall not exceed 40% of the window area on each facade. Be limited to no more than 30% of the ground-floor window area.
Be considered part of the allowable wall advertisement structure area.
Not be construed to mean items for sale, internally-oriented displays, or other temporary displays that do not substantially obstruct views into a building.

10. Freestanding advertisement structure
A freestanding advertisement structure is unattached to any buildings or structures and stands alone generally on a wooden or metal frame formed to support its weight. Free standing advertisement structure shall:
Be up to 4000mm high and 4m2 in area, and slightly larger in industrial zoned areas.
Be placed 5000mm away from a building and 10000mm away from another freestanding advertisement structure. There cannot be more than four freestanding advertisement structure on any site, and not more than one advertisement structure on the road frontage of the site.

11. Construction advertisement structure
An advertisement structure that identifies architects, engineers, contractors and other individuals or firms involved with construction on the premises, the name of the building or development, the intended purpose of the building, and/or the expected completion date.
Construction advertisement structure shall:
In single-family residential areas on projects not involving multiple lots, such advertisement structures shall not exceed 0.6m² in area and 1200mm in height and are limited to one per lot.
In all other circumstances, such advertisement structures shall not exceed 2.9m² in area and 2400mm in height.

Dimension in millimeters
12. Banner advertisement structures
A banner is a temporary advertisement structure of fabric or any no rigid material with no enclosing framework.
Banner advertisement structures shall:
Be at least 1.8m² but less than 4m² in area and all banners on the same lot shall be consistent in terms of colors and materials used.
Have a minimum clearance of 2400mm and maximum height of 4500mm above the sidewalk.
Be individually attached to a pole, mast arm or other structure.
An overall advertisement structures age plan shall be approved when multiple banners are placed on a lot.
Be maintained in good condition.
Banners which are either solely decorative or are noncommercial and do not display a logo, message, statement, or expression relating to commercial interests shall not be included in the computation of total advertisement structures area on a property.
13. Roof advertisement structures
A roof advertisement structure is an advertisement structure attached to or placed onto the roof of an establishment or any other structure.
Roof advertisement structures shall:
Not exceed 10% of the area of that portion of the roof to which it is attached, as measured from eave to roof peak.
Be constructed so as to provide a clear space of at least 800mm between the roof and the lowest part of the advertisement structure and at least 600m between the vertical supports thereof.
Be set back a minimum of 600mm from the face of the walls of the buildings on which they are erected.
Not project above the roof line.
Only be displayed on buildings containing non-residential uses and on multi-family buildings.
Or may be illuminated depending on location and approval from the planning authority.

14. Projecting Advertisement structures
A projecting advertisement structure is an advertisement structure that extends from a building.
Projecting advertisement structures shall:
Have a minimum clearance of 2400mm and a maximum height of 4500mm above the sidewalk.
Not be above the road.
Extend no more than 1800mm out from the main wall surface, and have a 15cm minimum space between the advertisement structure and the building.
Be placed perpendicular to building façades, except at street corners where they may be placed at a 135-degree angle to both of the two intersecting façades.
Have a maximum advertisement structure area of 1.4m².
May be illuminated depending on location and approval from the planning authority.
Projecting advertisement structures should:
Emphasize verticality for vertical messages, with a height-to-width ratio of at least 2:1, and horizontality for horizontal messages, with a width-to-height ratio of at least 1:1.

Dimension in millimetres
16. Portable advertisement structures
Advertisement structure intended to be moved easily and/or not permanently affixed to the ground, structure, or building.
Portable advertisement structures shall:
Be allowed on a temporary basis only for sales and/or special events.
Be limited to a single sandwich or menu board advertisement structure per business that may be placed upon a public sidewalk or plaza directly in front of the business’s frontage during operating hours.
Not exceed 3m² in advertisement structure area, 900mm in width, 1200mm in height, or 1800mm in ground area.
Meet any requirements established by the Planning Authority, such as those related to construction, placement, or insurance, to ensure that such advertisement structures do not obstruct the free movement of pedestrians or otherwise constitute a public hazard.
Electronic advertisement structures
Electronic advertisement structures age is the most visually intense form of advertisement structure age due to its potential to display variations in light and color, movement, and changeable messages. Such advertisement structures are generally very successful in attracting and holding viewer attention due to their brightness and the expectation of new messages to come. Due to their visual intensity, electronic advertisement structures can greatly influence the visual character of the urban environment.
The main forms of advertisement structures are:
(a) Fixed Message Electronic Advertisement structures. Advertisement structures whose basic informational content has been preprogrammed to include only certain types of information projection, such as time, temperature, predictable traffic conditions;
(b) Variable Message Electronic Advertisement structures. Advertisement structures whose informational content can be changed, altered, or updated on a regular basis. These advertisement structures have the capability of displaying a wide variety of changeable messages including art displays, commercial advertisements, political or religious statements, and directional information.
(c) Digital advertisement structures (illuminated and/or animated advertisement structures)
Digital advertisement structures (illuminated and/or animated advertisement structures)
Digital advertisement structures use LEDs (light emitting diodes) to display words and images that are changed by remote or automatic means. They range from single-color to full color, and from static graphics to a constantly changing video stream. The most basic types include digital fuel pricing advertisement structures and time/temperature advertisement structures. More complex examples include a business advertisement structure that advertises products and sales, a school advertisement structure that lists upcoming holidays and events, and a drive-through restaurant order screen or pre-order advertising board. Digital advertisement structures may also be referred to as Electronic Message Centers (EMCs) or Electronic Message Displays (EMDs). Installing LED and LCD screens in any location can have an impact on the physical features and electrical wiring. Mounts or platforms, electrical wiring and other cables, should be prepared beforehand for easier installation. The location should also match its purpose.

Figure 1&2 : The fuel pricing advertisement structure (left) is a simpler
version of a digital advertisement structure and can only display pricing
information, while the full-color digital advertisement structure (right) can
display photos and images in addition to text.
Digital advertisement structures are off-premise digital structures, typically located along major roadways and used to advertise products and services available elsewhere. They include full-color images and can have complex graphics. The message can change without animation, with animation, or include video.
To allow illumination of advertisement structure age (where appropriate) and advertising of services or facilities after dark.
To provide pedestrian areas with additional visibility at night in a safe manner.
To ensure any illuminated and/or animated advertisement structures do not adversely affect pedestrian safety and accessibility, traffic safety and movement and/or visual amenity.
To ensure any illuminated and/or animated advertisement structures do not negatively impact on residential properties and/or the local amenity of any area.
Performance Standards:
Digital advertisement structures must be designed and positioned to ensure that they do not adversely affect pedestrian safety and accessibility, traffic safety and movement and/or visual amenity.
Where illumination can be demonstrated to be necessary, consideration of surrounding uses must be given when determining hours of illumination and intensity of lighting. The proposed hours of illumination and intensity of lighting must be provided when submitting a Development Consent Application for the proposed illuminated advertisement structure .
Digital advertisement structures are strongly discouraged on residential properties and properties adjacent to residential areas.
Any electrical wiring must be safely concealed and display a warning of the potential electrical hazard.
Digital advertisement structures are encouraged to be designed to eliminate shadows and promote the safety of public areas and pedestrian footpaths.
Illuminated and/or animated advertisement structure are discouraged within environmentally sensitive areas, particularly areas that are close to water sources (including but not limited to wetlands, rivers and the shoreline)
Electronic digital advertisement structures are generally most prevalent on commercial corridors, but their proliferation raises concerns for driver distraction.
Electronic digital advertisement structures shall:
Only be permitted in urbanized, commercial corridors, in business zones, of Mahe and Praslin such as Vitoria, the Providence industrial Estate, Grand Anse Praslin Business center & Eve Island.
In addition, special considerations shall be given for display along specific locations namely: Beau Vallon, Anse Royale, Roche Caiman, Ile perseverance (industrial /commercial area), Anse Etoile, Pointe Larue (Airport), Anse-Aux Pins (central), Anse La Mouche, Takamaka, Port Launay (Bus Depot Area) and Bel Ombre (industrial area).
Not be in close proximity to other electronic advertisement structures. (One digital advertisement structure is permitted per site. A minimum distance of 15 meters shall be required between digital advertisement structures).
Not be mounted on or illuminate that portion of a building containing residential living units.
Not be mounted on or cover a window.
Not be permitted on any other parts / locations of Mahe, Praslin and La Digue.
Not exceed the maximum surface area of 6m2 respecting a 2:1 ratio.
Be static.
Luminance and Illumination of Electronic Advertising Advertisement structures
Safety and Amenity
It is important that electronic advertisement structures exhibit consistent apparent brightness in all lighting conditions, by maintaining a consistent ratio between the ambient light (illuminance) and light emitted by the advertisement structure (luminance). This allows the advertisement structure to be easily read and reduces the time taken for a motorist to view the advertisement structure 's content.
Advertisement structure brighter than the ambient conditions may cause greater distraction and risk to drivers due to:
· Averting a motorist's attention from important traffic devices / instructions.
· Temporary visual impairment where the difference in advertisement structure luminance and ambient light is disparate.
Due to the fast rate of change in ambient light during dusk and dawn periods, particular attention needs to be given to the luminance levels that are output during these periods to ensure that a consistent apparent brightness is maintained. Any change to brightness levels should be applied during a message transition, not while an image is being displayed. This removes the risk that a motorist will be distracted by changing advertisement structure brightness.
Maximum Luminance
The following values are suggested maximum values for the varying ambient lighting conditions. The final luminance levels are to be determined based on the site specific requirements, including the orientation of the advertisement structure and shading around the advertisement structure.
· Daytime - 6000 cd/m2
· Dawn/Dusk - 600 cd/m2
· Night - 300 cd/m2
Commissioning Levels
It is required that when a new device is being commissioned, the initial luminance values be set to half the recommended maximum values outlined above, and gradually increased to an appropriate level as agreed to by the Road transport Authorities.
If required, the owner/operator of the advertisement structure is responsible for shielding the electronic structure to ensure that it does not cause a nuisance to surrounding properties.
Recommendations for Digital advertisement structure with light emitting diodes:
Name | Recommendations |
I. Maximum luminance of advertisement structure surface |
II. Advertisement structure location | Within 90° - 180 ー in in relation to to road surface border Unacceptable emission of light towards locations with higher risk of road collisions Outside intersections |
III. Displaying moving images | Conditional |
IV. Minimum advert display time | 10 seconds |
V. Issuing permits | Temporary 2 years (upon tender) |
VI. Visual effects and interval between consecutive images | Prohibited |
VII. Type of displayed information (visual only) | Addresses, websites, emails, phone numb ers, text message instructions, Alerts, directions. |
Structural specifications
Figure 3: Footing details for advertisement structure support
Figure 4: Advertisement structure mounting assemblies - Small advertisement structures
Figure 5: Stock predrilled - 50mm N B Posts
6.9 Inspection of electronic advertisement structures
The appropriate roads authority must regularly inspect and keep an inventory of the advertisement structures on its roads and designated locations.
Inspections should review the suitability of each advertisement structure, the condition of the advertisement structure and its supporting structure as well as reviewing the need for additional advertisement structures.
Procedure for new electronic/digital advertisement structure placement
The steps involved in placing a new advertisement structure are: —
When the need for a new advertisement structure is perceived, determine the size of advertisement structure, its legend and position, especially with respect to the location.
Prepare a pre-planning assessment if required and undertake any consultation necessary.
Obtain formal approval for the advertisement structure in accordance with current advertisement regulations.
Examine the site to ensure that the advertisement structure can be placed in the specified location especially with respect to the location of services.
Totem advertisement structure boards
A totem advertisement structure is a form of freestanding advertisement structure. It consists of two basic profiles are mounted around an aluminum or steel tube profile or internal frame of the totem pylon and then, two cover profiles are mounted to the basic sections. By using square or rectangular tube profiles with different outside dimensions and wall thicknesses it is possible to create totems with a variable depth of 100, 150 or 200 mm and a height of up to 6000m m with the same basic and cover profiles.
Totem advertisement structures shall:
Be no greater than 4000mm high and 1200mm wide.
Have a maximum surface area of 5m2
Be set back at a minimum distance of 2000mm from the edge of the road.
Totem advertisement structures may:
Not be situated along highways.
Sandwich board advertisement structure
A sandwich board advertisement structure is a type of advertisement composed of two boards (holding a message or graphic) and being either:
Carried by a person, with one board in front and one behind, creating a "sandwich" effect; or
Set up (for example next to a store advertising its goods) in a triangle shape, hinged along the top.
Sandwich advertisement structures shall:
Not exceed 0.9m2 per side area.
Shall not exceed two 800mm in width, with a maximum height of 1500mm. Within these specified maximum dimensions, creative shapes that reflect the theme of the business are encouraged (i.e., ice cream shops may display an advertisement structure in the shape of an ice cream cone).
Be constructed of materials that present a finished appearance. Rough-cut plywood is not acceptable.
Be located on the same parcel and within 1800mm of the building exterior of the business installing the advertisement structure and its location shall not interfere with pedestrian or vehicular circulation, including, but not limited to driveways, parking lots, rights-of-way, and public sidewalks.
The advertisement structure shall be removed at the end of the business day.
Any person erecting a sandwich board advertisement structure shall indemnify and hold harmless the government and its officers, agents and employees from any claim arising out of the presence of the advertisement structure on public property or rights-of-way.

Billboard advertisement structures
A billboard is an off-premises object, device, display, advertisement structure, or structure, or part thereof, displayed outdoors or visible from a public way, which is used to advertise, identify, display, direct or attract attention to an object, person, institution, organization, business, product, service, event or location, or to express a point of view, by any means, including words, letters, figures, advertisement structure, symbols, advertising flags, fixtures, colors, illuminations or projected images.
All new billboards shall be no greater than 2000mm in height and 3000mm in width.
All billboards shall be no greater than 6m2 in area.
Each substantially different face of a billboard structure shall constitute a separate billboard.
Billboards do not include on-premises commercial or political advertisement structure nor small commercial or non-commercial advertisement structures temporarily placed in residential lawns by residents, owners, contractors, realtors, or by or on behalf of political candidates or issues.
An outdoor advertising advertisement structure in the form of a billboard consists of at least one display panel and its supporting framework. Billboards may be freestanding, mounted to buildings, or attached to other structures.
A billboard may be smaller than the permitted size.
HEIGHT(m) | WIDTH(m) | TOTAL AREA(m 2) |
1 | 1.5 | 1.5 |
1.2 | 1.8 | 2.16 |
2 | 3 | 6 |

Location of commercial billboard advertisement structures
No off-premise commercial billboards are permitted alongside highways, roads and streets. It is noted that this restriction applies to commercial billboards irrespective of types or styles.
Commercial billboards may be displayed on the premises of which a person is the owner or occupier visible from roads and highways only in the permitted areas as prescribed by the Planning Authority.
Commercial billboards within zoned commercial or industrial areas require Planning Authority approval and are subject to restrictions on location, size and distance from the road, safety and aesthetics considerations.
On Mahe only commercial billboards may be located in the following specific enclosed public areas:
International airport o Sport complexes o Bus terminals o Petrol stations o Commercial Port
Providence Industrial Estate. (Planning Authority approval required)
Other Zoned industrial or commercial areas as may be prescribed in the schedule under the industrial act. (Planning Authority approval required)
The placements of commercial billboards at these specific locations are subject to Planning Authority approval.
Non-commercial billboards including national campaigns and electoral advertisement structures are permitted subject to restrictions on location, duration of display, limits on size, height, number.
Permitted colors for billboards
Contrasting colors must be used as billboards for long distance readability. The best color combination that provide maximum contrast on a billboard and the best visibility and readability include black on yellow, black on white, yellow on black, white on black, blue on white, white on blue, white on green, green on white, red on white and white on red.
MADE this 23rd day of October, 2023.