S.I. 90 of 2023 - Physical Planning (Land use and development Plans) Regulations 2023
RegulationS.I. 90 of 2023 - Physical Planning (Land use and development Plans) Regulations 2023
Posted At: Sep 09, 2024 - 603 Views
Part I - Preliminary Citation
1. These Regulations may be cited as the Physical Planning (Land Use and Development Plans) Regulations, 2023.
2. In these Regulations, unless the context otherwise requires —
“buildable area” is that portion of a development site where construction can legally and reasonably occur;
“change of use” means when the use of a building is altered or replaced by another use;
“development plot coverage” means a measure of the proportion of the site area covered by permanently sealed surfaces as determined under schedule 2.
“hazard” means a dangerous phenomenon, substance, human activity, or condition that may cause loss of life, injury or other health impact, property damage, loss of livelihood and services, social and economic disruption, or environmental damage;
“land” includes land covered with water, the sea-bed, and any building or other thing attached to land or permanently fastened to anything attached to land;
“land use” means the use of land, inter alia for residential, industrial or commercial purposes, for farming or forestry, for recreational or conservation purposes;
“no-development zone” means land declared by the Minister under section 32 of the Act or under which no development shall be carried out;
“non-conforming use” means a use of land which, though lawful immediately before the coming into operation of this regulation is not in conformity with the provisions of these Regulations;
“overlay layer” means an additional layer of planning control applied to land in a clearly defined geographic area;
“risk” means the combination of the probability of an event and its negative consequences;
“scheme map” means a map indicating all zonings within a district or group of islands to which the land use plan relates;
“scheme text” means a legal document that controls how land in a particular district, zone, or group of islands in Seychelles can be used and developed;
“split-use” means a parcel falling in more than one land use classification;
“use variance” is a permit that allows a use that is otherwise not permitted by the zoning table of the scheme text provided for under Schedule 1;
“zoning table” means the table that indicates, subject to the provisions of the scheme text, the uses permitted in the land use classification as provided for under Schedule 1.
Sub-Part I - Land Use Plans
Form of National Land Use Plans
3.(1) The national land use plan prepared by the Authority under section 23 of the Act shall consist of a compilation of all the land use plans for the districts, zones, and groups of islands.
(2) The national land use plan referred to in sub-regulation (1) shall be presented digitally, on an official government website.
Composition of Land Use Plans
4.(1) A land use plan for a district, zone, or group of islands, prepared under section 22 of the Act shall compose of scheme maps and scheme texts indicating the matters as specified under subsection 22(2).
(2) A land use plan referred to in subregulation (1) shall —
be classified in one or more of the categories of land uses indicated in Column 1 of Schedule 1 and;
indicate the prescribed minimum subdivision size and maximum development plot coverage according to the land use classification of the district, zone, or islands to which the land use plan relates as indicated in Schedules 2;
indicate no-development zones as an overlay layer taking into considerations the hazard and risk considerations as specified under Schedule;
indicate sites of construction of proposed roads, alterations of existing roads, and road reserves for new roads;
- indicate development plans under the scheme text; and
- indicate any public easement rights towards the sea, land, or otherwise as an overlay layer.
Sub-Part II - Scheme Map Composition of Scheme Maps
5.(1) A scheme map for a district, zone, or group of islands, shall comprise of —
a map of land use classified in one or more of the categories of land uses indicated in Column 1 of Schedule 1;
overlay layers referred to in regulation 6(c);
legend of land use classification;
map scale; and
- cardinal points.
Sub-Part III - Scheme Text
Composition of Scheme Text
6. A scheme text for a district, zone, or group of islands shall comprise of —
information about long-term planning strategies;
description of planned infrastructure development of a particular area;
list and description of overlay layers;
zones and the use of land zoning table;
environmental assets;
special control areas;
heritage protection sites; and
- development plans.
7.(1) The Authority shall, in the course of preparing a land use plan for a district, zone, or group of islands or a national land use plan pursuant to section 23 or updating or reviewing a plan pursuant to section 24, consult with relevant persons or bodies including —
key stakeholders;
district and other authorities;
government ministries and departments;
parastatal organisations; and
- civil society organisations.
(2) In addition to sub-regulation (1) the Authority shall, in the course of preparing, updating and reviewing a land use plan —
- consider all existing data and relevant documents available for each district, zone and island or group of island, with reference to the national strategic framework summarized in Schedule 4;
- assess the specificity of each district in terms of population, local aspirations, and socio-economic priorities;
consult and consider all available hazard, risk, and climate change data and information pertaining to the district, zone, and island or group of islands and subject to the criteria and requirements of Schedule 3, demarcate the hazard and related zones;
designate zoning and land use classifications for the district, zone, and island or group of islands;
ensure that all land will be zoned in order to achieve sustainable development of Seychelles whilst taking the present use into account;
ensure that any development or change in land use must not result in any increase in risk of hazard;
ensure that all land will be zoned according to, among other things, the level of hazard to which the land is exposed and a developer shall be responsible to demonstrate beyond reasonable doubt that the proposed development within a given area will not increase risk and how this will be achieved;
ensure that all development or land use change proposals in identified hazard-prone areas must include a risk assessment and a drainage strategy and this will apply whether the proposal is a government-led or private development and to all permanent buildings and structural changes.
(3) The Authority shall publish the draft land use plan for the district, zone, island, or group of islands with members of the public digitally, inviting the public to file their objections and comments within 30 days of its publication.
(4)The Authority shall give notice to the public of the publication of the land use plan for their inspection.
Draft Land Use Plan Publication
8. Subject to regulation 7 (1), where —
- a land use plan for a district, zone, or island is prepared pursuant to section 22 of the Act; or
- a national land use plan is prepared pursuant to section 23 of the Act;
a land use plan for a district, zone or island or a national land use plan is updated pursuant to section 24 and the update involves a change of classification of land use; or
a land use plan is reviewed pursuant to section 25 of the Act,
the Authority shall cause to be published in the national media and the Authority's website and other referral agencies' websites, a notice —
that the Authority has prepared a plan referred to in
paragraphs (a), (b), (c), or (d);
of the place or places where copies of such plan may be inspected by the public; and
- that any person may make objections or representations in writing to the Authority with respect to such plan.
Objections and Representations
9.(1) Any objections shall be made in writing to the Authority, within 30 calendar days of the first publication of a notice under regulation 8.
If within 30 calendar days of the first publication of a notice under regulation 8, any objection or representation with respect to a plan made in writing to the Authority, the Authority shall consider the objection or representation and make a determination upon such objection or representation specifying the reasons therefore.
- If as a result of any objection or representation considered under subregulation (2), the Authority is of the opinion that any person or authority ought to be consulted, the Authority shall before they make any determination, consult with that person or authority but shall not, be obliged to consult any other authority or person, or to afford any opportunity for further objections or representations.
- After considering any representation or objection and making any necessary determination the Authority shall finalise the land use plan.
Land Use Plan Approval
10.(1) The Authority shall, upon finalisation of the land use plan under regulation 9, present it to the Minister for approval as provided under section 28.
(2) A land use plan, national land use plan, update, review or part of such plan, update or review shall be published in the Gazette, which become operative on the date on which it is so published.
Sub-Part I Development Plot Coverage
Development plot coverage
11. (1) An application to develop land shall be in accordance with the development plot coverage limit as specified under Schedule 2.
(2) The development plot coverage is expressed as a percentage of the total area of sealed surfaces over parcel size or buildable area which is calculated using the following formula —
Percentage of Development Plot Coverage
(3) Where the development plot coverage is spread across split-use parcels the calculation shall be as calculated using the following formula:
Development Plot Coverage Formulae
Where “Y” is the Area of the Land use classification polygon within the parcel in question.
The development plot coverage of a particular parcel shall be determined by the land use classification in accordance with Schedule 1.
Where a parcel is classified in more than one land use, and the proposed development is on one land use only, the calculation shall be based on that land use only.
Where the proposed development is on more than one land use, the calculation shall be based on the land use where the majority of the building footprint is being proposed.
Plot coverage for natural vegetation landscaping
12. Subject to regulation 11, Schedule 2 (1), Column 4 illustrates the remaining percentage of non-developed area that shall be used for the purpose of natural green landscaped vegetation, to provide environmental, ecological and social functions and this may include, but is not limited to —
provide shade;
water filtration & storage;
reduce surface runoff through rainwater infiltration;
atmospheric remediation;
ecosystem services;
aesthetics; and (g) wellbeing.
Building Height
13. Maximum permitted building height shall be determined by
considering, on a case-by-case basis —
existing local area character;
surrounding development;
land use classification;
visual impact;
consistency of building lines;
strategic views;
local street views;
the potential effect of overshadowing neighbouring
micro-climatic factors; and
the relationship of height to frontage width and building depth.
14. All sub-divisions shall be according to the minimum plot sizes established according to Schedule 2 (1), (column 5).
Sub-Part II - Change of Use & Use Variances
Change of Use
15. Any change of use of a building may be approved if the new use is permitted in the zoning table of the scheme text.
Use Variances
16.(1) A person may apply for a use variance by application to the Authority in the prescribed form provided under Schedule 5.
Grant of a use variance shall be determined on the conditions stipulated in Schedule 5 row 1, and approval by the planning authority following the criteria in Schedule 5 row 2.
A use variance application is not subject to appeal.
Non-Conforming Uses
17.(1) Except as otherwise provided in this regulation, no provision of this regulation is to be taken to prevent —
the continued use of any land for the purpose for which it was being lawfully used immediately prior to the gazettal date; or
the carrying out of any development on that land for which, immediately prior to the gazettal date, an approval or approvals, lawfully required to authorize the development to be carried out, were duly obtained and are current.
Extensions and Changes to a non-conforming Use
18. A person shall not —
alter or extend a non-conforming use in relation to a building, unless such building or structure is changed to conform with the applicable land use specifications;
erect, alter, or extend a building used in conjunction with or in furtherance of a non-conforming use; or
change the use of land from a non-conforming use to another non-conforming use, unless the proposed use is less detrimental to the amenity of the locality than the existing non-conforming use and is closer to the intended purpose of the zone;
an application for planning approval under this regulation shall be in accordance with section 36 of the Act;
Discontinuance of non-conforming use
19. Where a non-conforming use of any land or buildings has been discontinued for a period of three years (3 years) such land or buildings shall not thereafter be used otherwise than in conformity with the provisions of the scheme text.
Sub-part III - Declaration of No Development Zones
No Development Zones
20.(1) No development zones shall be —
represented as an overlay layer in land use plans and such overlay layers do not entail the obligation for reclassification of zoning categories;
are excluded from any compensation payments as stated in section 53 of the Act; and
pursuant to section 32 of the Act, development is prohibited except for those necessary for the national interest, such as but not limited to water catchment structures, access roads, and power infrastructure.
No development zones shall be declared based on the following criteria —
for areas devastated by natural disasters not suitable for reconstruction;
areas with a high probability or expected big magnitude of hazard events such as flooding, erosion, landslides; or
areas that are in general not suitable for settlement such as excessive steepness.
Existing buildings and structures within no-development zones may be allowed to exist but, it shall be prohibited to extend or reconstruct such buildings.
Subject to sub-regulation (3), in the event of destruction of such existing buildings and structures, reconstruction is prohibited.
The Minister may at any time, on the advice of the Authority, reclassify a “No-development Zone” if the following criteria apply —
the affected area is no longer defined as a high-risk area due to the implementation of long-term protection measures; or
detailed assessments that have improved the knowledge of the hazard process and have allowed an adjustment of the no-development zone.
Zone Zoning Code Land Use Classification Code Description A010 Intensive Crop Production A10 Industrialized crop farming Extensive Crop Production A20 Small-scale non-industrial crop farming Intensive Livestock Production A30 Industrialized livestock production (10/+ animals) Extensive Livestock Production A40 Small-scale livestock (<10 animals) Aquaculture A60 Places devoted to the process of cultivating aquatic organisms J010 Environmental Assets J10 Places devoted to areas of conservation and management of the environment R010 Low-density Residential R10 refers to residential areas occupied primarily by single-family homes or buildings with a small number of units Low-density Residential & Agriculture R20 refers to residential areas occupied primarily by single-family homes or buildings with a small number of units with the addition of small scale cr op production Low-density Residential & Tourism R30 refers to residential areas occupied primarily by single-family homes or buildings with a small number of units with the addition of tourism accommodation Medium Density Residential R40 middle-sized or cluster development that fits between neighborhoods with single family homes Medium Density Residential & Agriculture R50 middle-sized or cluster development that fits between neighborhoods with single family homes with small scale agriculture Medium-Density Residential & Tourism R60 middle-sized or cluster development that fits between neighborhoods with single family homes with added tourism accommodation High Density Residential R70 Places devoted to compact residential development G010 Strategic Sites G10 Developments should seek to optimize use of land through apartment (stacked townhouse, residential block and mixed use block and mixed use block ) T010 Tourism Accommodation T10 All types of tourism accommodation (not in combination with residential use) R010 Outdoor Amenity and Open Spaces L10 Intended for outdoor amenity and open spaces e.g. gardens, parks, zoos, picnic areas, and play areas. Sports Facilities and Grounds L20 Intended for land and water sports facilities e.g. playing fields, stadiums, sports centers, gymnasia, swimming pools, skating rinks, indoor sports, and vehicle race tracks. Amusement and Show Places L30 Intended for amusement and entertainment places e.g. cinemas, theatres, concert halls and arenas, broadcast studios, dance halls, bingo halls, nightclubs, gaming and gambling clubs, and premises. Libraries, Museums and Galleries L40 Buildings, places, or institutions devoted to the acquisition, conservation, study, exhibition, and educational interpretation of objects having scientific, historical, or artistic value e.g. museums, libraries, art galleries, public and exhibition halls. Medical and Health Care Facilities M10 These are areas used or intended to be used for hospitals, clinics, health stations, asylums/ wellness clinics; morgues; clinical laboratories; medical research institutes; quarantine facilities Civic & Community Services M20 These are areas used or intended to be used mainly for civic, community or cultural facilities or other similar purposes. Places of Worship M30 These are areas used or intended to be used mainly for religious buildings. Cemetery M40 Places for storage and disposal of human remains e.g. mortuaries, chapels of rest, crematoria, cemeteries, and church yards. Educational M50 These are areas used or intended to be used for educational purposes including tertiary education. B010 Roads B10 means any road whether public or private and includes any street, square, court, alley, lane, bridge, footway, trace, bridle path, passage, or highway, whether a thoroughfare or not; Car Parks B20 Long and short stay car parks and ‘Park and Ride’ terminals. Air Field B30 an area of land designated for the take-off, landing, and maintenance of aircraft. Goods & Freight B40 These are areas used or intended to be used for Terminals and transhipment places for goods e.g. air freight terminals, rail freight terminals, container depots, docks, railway yards and depots, and customs depots. + Mechanised handling of goods and raw materials e.g. aerial ropeway, conveyor, lift. Transport Terminal & Interchanges B50 Terminals and transport interchanges for people e.g. airport, ship passenger terminal, railway station, bus station, coach station. I010 Large/Heavy Manufacturing I10 a category of complex and capital-intensive nature that produces large products and may require large scale facilities and machinery to produce product. Pollution like waste, air and sound are likely to be high. Enterprise Centres I20 Apart from provision of operating space; workshop, factory floors and common sales outlet, it provides business-related assistance and knowledge to help entrepreneurs run, and grow their business to full potential. May include manufacturing ICT. Industrial Mixed Use I30 Wide range of low-impact uses such as storage, warehouse, wholesale and distribution, production, small manufacturing & artisan production such as food, beverage, printing, apparel, design, laundry, furniture, etc. ... Light Scale Industrial Manufacturing/ Services I40 any manufacturing industry that does not involved heavy and capital intensive products or production equipment and that do not in their transformation create smoke, gas, odor, dust, noise, vibration of earth, soot or lighting to a degree that is offensive when measured at the property line of adjoining properties Commercial & Residential C10 These are areas used or intended to be used mainly for commercial development with residential on top floors. Commercial C20 These are areas used or intended to be used for mainly for commercial development Mixed Use C30 These are areas used or intended to be used for Mixed Commercial, residential development and any other use compatible with aforementioned. U010 Power Production and Distribution U10 Power stations, using thermal, nuclear, hydroelectric, gas turbine, diesel or renewable sources, for electricity production and generation. Sewage Treatment U20 All sewage treatment plants Water Treatment and storage U30 Water treatment and purification facilities, including extraction from springs, rivers or aquifers. + Water storage and distribution places e.g. reservoirs, water towers and pumping stations. Solid Waste Management U40 Landfill, storage and sorting of solid waste site Telecommunications U50 Telecommunication facilities for transmitting and receiving messages by telephone, radio, radar, cable, television, microwave and satellite. D010 Defence D10 Defence establishments, including camps, airfields, live firing training areas and other defence facilities and places. S010 Unallocated S10 Semi-natural areas of land which are not part of routine cultivations or being grazed and which have never been used for development, including scree, cliff, dunes, marsh and beach and reclaimed land which has not been grazed or developed. + Land or water bodies for which no specific primary use can be determined.
(1) Maximum Development Plot Coverage
High-density Residential | 45% | 50% | 55-50% | 400m2 |
Medium-density Residential | 35% | 40% | 65-60% | 600m2 |
Low-density Residential | 30% | 35% | 70-65% | 1200m2 |
Tourism | 60%
| 40% | 600m2 | |
Commercial | 60%
| 40% | 400m2 | |
Industrial & Business | 60%
| 40% | 400m2 | |
Community | 60%
| 40% | - |
(2) Surface Types and Materials
One of the main purposes of the Development Plot Coverage limitations is to manage stormwater runoff. The table in Schedule 2 (2) is a guide on how different surfaces are counted in the calculation above.
Column A - The area of Sealed and covered surfaces should be taken as 100% of its area, as there is no infiltration.
Column B - The area of Semi-pervious surfaces should be taken as 50% of its total area, as half the precipitation is infiltrated in the soil.
Column C - The area of pervious surfaces/ excluded surfaces should be taken as 0% of its total area, as all precipitation is infiltrated in the soil.
A complete submittal consists of the following forms and materials. Additional Information may be requested.
Use Variance Form
Notarized Consent of property owner /Title Deed
The owner consent form is required for the following applicants:
· The Applicant is not the owner of record for the subject parcel(s)
· The property has multiple owners (requires signature from each owner of record); or
· The applicant is a corporation or other entity (requires a signatory)
Photographs of the site of the variance request
Site plans, elevations, floor plans, or other supporting documents
The Seychelles Planning Authority will only grant a use variance if the applicant provides evidence that they meet all three legal tests below. Briefly describe how each of the three variance tests are met. Attach all supporting materials.
Unnecessary hardship exists only if the property owner shows that they would have no reasonable use of the property without a variance. If the property currently supports a reasonable use, the hardship test is not met and a variance may not be granted. If a variance is required to allow reasonable use of a property, only that variance which is essential to support reasonable use may be granted and no more. The alleged hardship should not be selfcreated and should be peculiar to the property.
A proposed use may be reasonable when it:
· does not conflict with uses on adjacent properties or in the neighbourhood,
· does not alter the basic nature of the site (e.g., conversion of wetland to upland),
· does not result in harm to public interests, and
· does not require multiple or extreme variances.
Description of Hardship. Provide evidence of unnecessary hardship and describe how the alleged is not self-created.
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Unique property limitations: Unnecessary hardship must be due to unique physical limitations of the property, such as steep slopes or wetlands that prevent compliance. The circumstances of an applicant (growing family, need for a larger garage, etc.) are not a factor in deciding variances.
Unique Circumstances of the property. Describe how alleged hardship related to the property in question is unique and does not apply to substantial portion of the zone or neighbourhood.
No harm to public interests: A variance may not be granted which results in harm to public interests such as:
· Promoting and maintaining public health, safety, and welfare
· Protecting water quality
· Protecting biodiversity and wildlife habitat
· Maintaining natural scenic beauty
· Minimizing property damages
· Ensuring efficient public facilities and utilities
· Requiring eventual compliance for nonconforming uses, structures, and lots
· Any other public interest issues
Description of the Preservation of Public Interest. Provide evidence.

- Part I - Preliminary Citation
- Part II - Form and Composition of Land Use Plans, Scheme Map, and Scheme Text
- Part III - Procedure for Preparation and Approval of Land Use Plans Land Use Plan Preparations
- Part IV - Use of land
- Schedule 1 - Classification of land uses
- Schedule 2 - Maximum Development plot coverage